Your Care Guide

Learn how to keep your Adah jewelry just as shiny, polished and beautiful as the day it arrives!


 3 Great Ways to Make Your Jewelry Last

Because Adah jewelry is made of precious metals like gold and sterling silver it’s important to treat them as precious! Wearing, storing and cleaning them well will help them last for the long haul and keep them tarnish-free.

So here are our tips for how to do all of that—well!


Wear Well

It turns out the best way to keep your jewelry beautiful, shiny and tarnish-free is— wear it! Wearing your piece means there is regular contact with your skin which prevents tarnish from even setting in.

Here’s how we recommend wearing your Adah Jewelry—

As a general rule, precious metals don’t get along well with chemicals so—

  • Take off before swimming and showering

  • Take off before physical activity

  • We recommend fragrances and lotions not be used on the areas the jewelry is worn

  • Follow the “Last On. First Off.” Rule.  Put your jewelry on last– after everything else including clothes, lotions, SPF, fragrances, etc. And when you’re done for the day, take your jewelry off first.

Did You Know…

Tarnish is a natural process that sets in when metal, specifically copper, comes into contact with chemicals and impurities in the air.  All jewelry whether vermeil or solid gold have some levels of copper content since precious metals are too soft to be used for jewelry on their own. That’s why you’ll notice discoloration even in solid gold pieces. All that to say,  if tarnish sets in this doesn’t mean you have bad quality jewelry.  A simple clean for the tarnish should remove the discoloration. And that’s the sign you’ve got the real deal! 

Store Well

Storing your jewelry well means that it’s all ready to go when you are. So whether you’re tucking your jewelry away for the weekend or stashing it for a season…

Here’s how to store your Adah Jewelry well: 

  1. Clean your piece before storing

  2. Store in the plastic bag provided in your order. We know it’s not the fanciest thing but plastic zip bags are actually one of the best ways to protect your piece from moisture and impurities in the air.

  3. Make sure to drop the black anti-tarnish strip in the bag, too!  You can find it in the bottom of your jewelry box included in your order. 

  4. Store this plastic bag in a dry and dark location (Bathrooms are a huge no-go!)

  5. If you have a jewelry box that is air-tight and anti-tarnish— even better!

Clean Well

There are two main goals to keep in mind when cleaning your jewelry. One is cleaning to remove residue, build up and bacteria. The other is to remove any tarnish that may have set in.

Below are recommendations for each.

For cleaning:

We recommend a light clean each time you take your jewelry off and a deeper clean every 6 months. For a light clean, simply use the polishing cloth included in your order. You may notice a dark residue on the cloth after polishing. That means the cloth is working! 

For a deep clean, you have some options! 

  • Use a standard jewelry cleaning kit sold at major retail stores

  • Consider visiting your local jeweler for an ultrasonic cleaning (Pro tip: Some even offer this service for free!)

  • Do a DIY cleaning following these steps: 

  1. Mix 1-2 drops of dish soap in a bowl of lukewarm water

  2. Gently set your jewelry in the bath and let it soak for 5-10 minutes 

  3. Remove the jewelry and gently scrub with a soft bristle brush

  4. Rinse your jewelry in warm water

  5. Dry your jewelry with a soft cloth 

  6. Once your jewelry is completely dry, use the polishing cloth included in your order

For Tarnish:

In the event that tarnish has set in, no worries! This is not an indication of low quality but a natural process that occurs with all jewelry.

And the good news is you have some options to restore your piece’s shine and color! 

Here’s how to remove tarnish from your piece:

  • We’ve included a polishing cloth in your order that you can use to buff your piece with. After cleaning, simply polish your piece with the cloth until shiny and beautiful again. (You should notice black marks on the cloth— that’s a sign the cloth is working and removing the tarnish!)

  • For severely tarnished pieces, you can use an off-the-shelf tarnish remover

  • You can contact your local jeweler for a polishing service

Did You Know…

Vermeil jewelry and water actually do get along, contrary to popular belief.  So our recommended DIY deep clean option using water is completely safe for the jewelry!  Just be sure to dry thoroughly and your jewelry will be completely fine!

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